Emily Schechtman, Board Co-Chair


Emily is an outdoor environmental educator and is passionate about providing youth with opportunities to learn in non-traditional ways. After growing up in Portland, Emily earned a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, with a focus on botany and soil science, and Leadership from Oregon State University, and a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management from the University of Oregon, where she focused on program evaluation and increasing DEIJ within organizations. She has worked for the Multnomah ESD Outdoor School and OMSI, as well as various summer camps throughout the PNW. In addition to teaching youth about their environment, Emily is passionate about supporting youth’s mental, emotional, and social health and focuses on inclusive and trauma-informed care in her work. Currently, Emily works as an Overnight Camp Director on Orcas Island for the Seattle YMCA.

When Emily isn’t busy with work, you can usually find her decompressing at a pottery studio, reading, baking, on some sort of boat, or playing board games with friends.