Exciting Changes at Oregon Green Schools!

What’s happening?

Oregon Green Schools is shifting from a certification model to a student stipend model. We’re still supporting green schools and students, just in a different, more impactful, and equitable way!

We’re also moving to New Buildings Institute (NBI)! NBI is a Portland-based nonprofit that works to move buildings to zero energy and zero emissions. We’ll no longer be a standalone nonprofit, but will be a program housed under the NBI umbrella within the Schools Initiative that has an aligned mission and vision.

Why is OGS shifting to student stipends?

Interest in green school certification has waned in the post-pandemic years. Also, there are a lot of other organizations at the state and national level that offer similar programs, such as National Wildlife Federation’s EcoSchools U.S., U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools, and Project Learning Tree’s GreenSchools Program.

In our conversations with school districts, local governments, and other partners, we’ve uncovered a great interest and need for a student stipend program. To better meet the needs of students and schools, OGS’ board voted to shift to a student stipend model to fill this gap.

Why is OGS moving to NBI?

Historically, OGS has been run by an all-volunteer board with part-time assistance from a program coordinator and support from a network of regional coordinators. Although volunteers and staff have put a lot of hard work and dedication into OGS, we simply do not have the capacity to continue to run the organization. NBI will have dedicated staff and resources for OGS.

How will the student stipends work?

Details are still being ironed out, but students will apply to receive stipends for completing green projects at their schools. An OGS advisory group will review and approve applications. This new model fosters student leadership and engagement.

What’s happening to the certification program?

NBI will continue to make the certification materials available on its website, but will not be actively certifying schools. The OGS website and its resources will also continue to stay online - so feel free to bookmark this page! Districts, local governments, nonprofits, and like-minded organizations can adopt their own certification program using the certification toolkit. This toolkit includes templates and resources to create your own program and certify as an Oregon Green School.

What about regional coordinators?

NBI will continue to maintain the regional coordinator network. Meetings will be quarterly and all interested in supporting Oregon schools in their sustainability journey are welcome! To join the calendar invite or find out more, please email schools@newbuildings.org.

When will the student stipend program be up and running?

Look for the newly-launched OGS student stipend program in the coming year! Sign up for the NBI newsletter to get updates.

How do I contact Oregon Green Schools moving forward?

Our website will stay the same. You can contact the schools team at NBI at schools@newbuildings.org.